OCU activist from Khmelnytsky: The sign of the cross is Russian propaganda

During a meeting of the microdistrict residents in Khmelnytsky, a supporter of the OCU urged those present not to cross themselves, because this is “Moscow propaganda”.
A video appeared on the Web from the city of Khmelnitsky, where on May 19, 2022, in the Leznevo microdistrict, the district authorities and supporters of the OCU held an illegal meeting of the territorial community with a view to transferring the Intercession church of the UOC to the OCU. The footage posted on the Pershy Kozatsky YouTube channel features Archpriest of the UOC Myron Ivanitsky, rector of the Intercession temple, speaking in defense of the Church and calling on the assembled residents of the district to cross themselves, to which a supporter of the OCU immediately responded, shouting, “Do not cross yourselves ! This is Moscow propaganda!”
“The years go by, and the supporters of the OCU do not get tired of proving how far this organization is from Christ and His teachings. Local officials and activists of the OCU hit a new bottom: it turned out that according to their special religion, it is impossible to make the sign of the cross,” commented the authors of the channel.
As the UOJ wrote, stones were thrown at the house of a UOC priest in Novozhyvotiv.