Budanov supports the Pope's initiative on prisoner exchange

Head of the GUR Kirill Budanov. Photo: Ukrinform

Chief of the Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR) of the Ministry of Defense Kirill Budanov positively responded to Pope Francis's proposal to arrange a prisoner exchange between Ukraine and Russia according to the "all for all" formula. Budanov stated this in an interview with the German channel ARD.

"I fully support this. Let's do it. There is only one small detail left: to convince Russia," said the GUR head.

At the same time, he noted that he does not currently see any interest from the Russian Federation in this matter.

As the UOJ reported, in his Easter message, the Pope stated: "Insisting on the observance of the principles of international law, I call for a general exchange of all prisoners between Russia and Ukraine: all for all!"

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