Who and Why Stands Be­hind Fakes around the­ Cross Procession

While the All-Ukrainian Cross Procession is moving along the roads of Ukraine, Internet outlets and live TV broadcasts surge the wave of hatred and aggression towards the Cross Procession participants. For that end they use falsehood and blatant fakes against the pilgrims. Ukrainians are made to believe as if the participants of the Cross Procession are heading for Kiev to seize power.

Nobody feels confused about such statements being ridiculous and absurd.

At the same time a number of MPs declare about the threat of the military coup.
Furthermore, they speak about certain forces which dispose of serious weapons and thousands of fighters with military experience – "Azov" and "Right Sector".

However, Ukraine's information space is utterly calm. Nobody writes outspoken publications, nobody organizes a range of press conferences and talk-shows with preoccupied experts who, based on just one doubtful photo of St. George ribbon and a fake publication in social media, would seriously discuss the coup threat, posed by the Orthodox Cross Procession, which hard-core consists of pious old ladies, women, old men, and children.

Lexo gjithashtu

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