News about the withered spring of St. Anna turns out a fake (PHOTO)

For the second consecutive year, the spring well of Saint Anna in the village of Onishkovtsy in Rovno region, is attacked by unscrupulous journalists and local deputies. They disseminate the information that there is no more water in the healing reservoir.

However, all their efforts to harm the Orthodox pilgrimage come to naught – thousands of Christians from all over Ukraine continue to flow to the shrine, drink live water, dive and receive healing.

"Last year we really experienced a shortage of water, and there is a simple explanation for this – a dry summer," says Sister Rachel, a resident of the monastery of the Holy Righteous Anna Gorodok St. Nicholas Convent.”The water disappeared not only in the spring, but also in the wells of the village of Onishkovtsy. We took advantage of the incident and began repair work, cleaned the font, deepened it and strengthened the banks. "

This year, the depth of the healing pool reaches more than one and a half meters. All summer, as the nuns testify, the flow of people did not stop even in cool weather. Also, the nuns noticed that pilgrims from the eastern regions of Ukraine have become frequent visitors to the source.

"Previously, we did not notice that people from Dnepropetrovsk and Lugansk would arrive here," says Sister Rachel. "We do not even know what made the spring so popular – the big evidence of healings or anti-advertising in the media."

Since the monastery on the spring of Saint Anna was founded, the nuns began to keep a book in which they record all the facts of healing. For more than a decade, it has recorded a thousand cases of incredible recovery, of which, mainly, there are healings from female infertility and kidney problems.

"There have been cases that children who had never been able to speak, got recovered after bathing – this miracle I saw with my own eyes," Sister Rachel says. ”People with gastric problems come here, too, and then they recover from their diseases, even from cancer."

Last year, another interesting event happened at St. Anna's hermitage: after an unprecedented thunderstorm, lightning struck a broad pine tree and split it in half, eventually a trickle began to flow out from under the root of the wounded tree, and a month later it began to stream. The monks named a small newly formed lake after the Holy Trinity. By the way, miracles have already happened in it. Recently a woman returned to the monastery and confirmed she had got pregnant right after swimming in this lake.

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