TSN warms up radicals for religious war

A lot believe that TSN staff, when generating anti-church plots, is guided by the logic of Porthos from Dumas’ “Tree Musketeers”: “I am fighting because I am fighting.” However, the evidence reveals a different thing – behind the journalists there are coordinators who have a clear-cut strategy and tactics in their grapple with the Church.A lot believe that TSN staff, when generating anti-church plots, is guided by the logic of Porthos from Dumas’ “Tree Musketeers”: “I am fighting because I am fighting.” However, the evidence reveals a different thing – behind the journalists there are coordinators who have a clear-cut strategy and tactics in their grapple with the Church.

In the conflict “Ministry of Culture versus UOC” civil servants are trying to compel the UOC to change its charters so that seizures of its temples could be simplified in terms of law. For that end they exploit TSN which under the guise of “journalist investigations” voiced totally absurd accusations towards the UOC.

Currently TSN is actively shaping the “required” public opinion – “hostile” Church (UOC) insidiously demands that a patriotic Ministry of Culture should register charters which are harmful for Ukraine.

At the same time pressure is imposed on judges – “odious district court”, “ambiguous judges”, “pro-Russian judges” etc.

The following stage in this scenario is the arrival of militants from Azov or Right Sector as representatives of “outraged society” at the court sessions in order to force judges to adopt the “necessary” decision.

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