Uniate idea: "Thank God!" or "Death to the enemies!"? (VIDEO)
The old heroes of Ukrainians are not heroes any more now. But there came many others, who have previously been honoured only in the western regions of Ukraine. The Ukrainian insurgent army, the OUN of Bandera and Melnik, as well as their successors, – it is these heroes the new Ukrainian government is now promoting.
Their merits are prescribed in the laws; they are glorified by the court press; in their honour the streets and avenues are renamed. And, in general, there is nothing wrong with honouring people who are believed to have fought for freedom and independence of their country. But their methods raise many questions...
The head of the Uniate Church Sviatoslav Shevchuk during the service in the village of Zarvanitsa, addressing Polish Catholics, said that he forgave and on behalf of the Ukrainian people asked for forgiveness for the atrocities of the "Volyn massacre" committed by nationalists.
It is now accepted that Greek Catholics at that time were only praying and supported neither nationalists nor Nazis.
However, many facts indicate that it is not so. About how it actually was – watch the video.
Lexo gjithashtu
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