Patriots or pagans? What are they, new sons of Lieutenant Schmidt? (VIDEO)
Hierarchs make use of the whole range of political terminology in order to prove the country’s government that namely their structure is worthy of being # 1 Church in Ukraine.
Yet the Kiev Patriarchate has advanced even further in this competition of “patriots”. They declared they no longer consider Constantinople a Mother-Church. Their Mother is the Ukrainian land, they believe.
As far back as 2009 the chief of the UOC-KP announced that Kiev Patriarchate has no need of Constantinople, while the main goal of his organization is not at all recognition by other Orthodox Churches. “We realize we are a local church, autocephalous and independent, and we have everything.”
In spring of the current year the Bishop Council of this institution stated somewhat absolutely opposite, namely: “the Kiev Patriarchate recognizes only the Constantinople Patriarchate as its Mother-Church and expects it to recognize a historically accomplished and canonically stipulated fact of the UOC autocephaly.”
But wait there is more! The other day vicar of Volyn diocese of the Kiev Patriarchate bishop of Vladimir-Volyn Mathew (Shevchuk) refuted the statement of the Bishop Council and declared the Church of Constantinople is not a mother to the UOC KP.
Their mother, as it appeared, is the Ukrainian land.
Well, the UOC-KP bishop just voiced what was evident from the very beginning of its activity. To be specific, the Kiev Patriarchate is not what they claim to be.
For their work is confined to worship of the Ukrainian land, Ukrainian nation, its symbols and attributes. Beatifying its warriors and being at beck and call of the state constitute an ideology of pagan, rather than Christian organization. The Kiev Patriarchate speaks about it without any scruples.
Lexo gjithashtu
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