Radicals used threats to force deputies of Belgorod-Dnestrovsky City Council to allocate the land plot for the UOC KP
At the 13th city council session deputies voted for the land plot allocation on the city outskirts, which had been solicited by KP bishop Marc for a long time. However, it seemed not enough to the fighters of “Azov” battalion and they began to put pressure on the deputies demanding to allocate another land plot.
According to the reference source, “Azov” fighters warned to keep the deputies inside the session hall until they would make the decision suitable for the KP community. Eventually the deputies voted for allocation of another land plot in the center of the city. Earlier it was planned to build a Wedding Palace on this site, according to the design project.
There were not any representatives of the UOC at the session.
Deputies of Belgorod-Dnestrovsky city council under the pressure of radicals allocated two land plots for the Kiev Patriarchate.
At the 13th city council session deputies voted for the land plot allocation on the city outskirts, which had been solicited by KP bishop Marc for a long time. However, it seemed not enough to the fighters of “Azov” battalion and they began to put pressure on the deputies demanding to allocate another land plot.
According to the reference source, “Azov” fighters warned to keep the deputies inside the session hall until they would make the decision suitable for the KP community. Eventually the deputies voted for allocation of another land plot in the center of the city. Earlier it was planned to build a Wedding Palace on this site, according to the design project.
There were not any representatives of the UOC at the session.
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