Spiritual Foundation of Cross Procession
Cross processions form an integral part of the Orthodox Church life. The history of Orthodoxy is a good evidence of the cross procession becoming one of the key elements of ritual life of the Church immediately after Christianity was officially allowed in the Byzantine Empire.
Cross processions were organized for many reasons. They were held to prevent an epidemic, to improve unfavorable weather conditions, to save from natural calamities. Most often cross processions sought to achieve peace.
Current All-Ukrainian Cross Procession seeks the same objective – to achieve long-awaited peace. Our long-suffering Motherland, depleted by hatred, wars and confrontations, needs peace more than ever. Therefore, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church by initiating this Cross Procession hopes to establish peace for Ukraine, to integrate the state from the West to the East, from the North to the South.
Why namely in such a way does the Church try to regain peace? Perhaps, this way has been tried and true centuries-long and has three constituents which are worth paying attention to.
Cross Procession is Prayer
First and foremost, it’s noteworthy that cross procession is a pious journey. Its participants walk along the roads of Ukraine not for the sake of walking but for the sake of continual praying. Pilgrims stop at monasteries and churches, having daily worship services. During the procession itself people sing prayers and psalms. Thousands of hearts get united at a time – people want peace!
It is the prayer that appears to be the most viable remedy at the time when political talks have exhausted their potential. Seeing politicians being unable to find win-win decisions, people turn to God, laying their hopes on Him.
One should say pilgrim praying in a cross procession is significant. It can be felt not only by its power but also by the struggle which counteracts evil forces. Note that once All-Ukrainian Cross Procession started, a huge amount of politicians, mass media, and mere gapers got turned against this peacemaking event.
It’s clear to Orthodox Christians what it is all about. Satan, showing once more his impotency, feels his “ball” on the Ukrainian land can finish. That is why hearts of many people, affected by the devil, get filled with hatred and hostility… Yet the prayer is the force which the Church has always set against devilish evil. In fasting and praying did the Orthodox Ukrainians unite to beg God for the lost peace.
Cross Procession is Blessing
During the cross procession various sanctities, miraculous icons, relicts are commonly available for worship. This All-Ukrainian Cross Procession of peace, love, and prayer, which has attracted lots of sanctities and relics, is not an exception.
Availability of sanctities during the cross procession is particularly important since they not only raise spirits of pilgrims but also produce a favorable impact on the environment. The “prayed-in” relics, which have helped the faithful many times, now direct their positive charge towards the entire Ukraine. The people who turn to God in their prayers are not left abandoned by God, receiving His evident help through these sanctities.
Cross Procession is Solidarity
One of the aims of All-Ukrainian Cross procession is to unite our home land. For this reason this procession is called All-Ukrainian. Orthodox Christians come out of all parts of Ukraine to meet in Kiev. It’s necessary to manage this long-lasting journey and meet together in the capital of Ukraine in order to testify the need in peace and unity before God. Kiev, being the oldest cradle of Orthodoxy in Rus, must serve as a symbol of solidarity of hundreds of thousands Ukrainians.
We want most of all that the declared ideas, vested in pilgrims, who cover hundreds of kilometers throughout Ukraine, come true in reality. Apparently, it is the peace that is a pledge of unity. To date the Orthodox Church urges everybody to line up around genuine and eternal values. Therefore, may this All-Ukrainian Cross Procession become a catalyst for further peace arrival in Ukraine, whilst the great deed of these people – pious in the eyes of God.
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