How TV channels earn their ratings on religious black-wash
Gastronomic lust of modern viewers has reached its meticulousness peak now. Therefore, it’s not an easy task even for popular TV channels to retain million ratings.
In the eternal pursuit of exclusive things, certain mass media instead of teaching their viewers to enjoy really high-quality journalist product, stuff up their air-time with half-made products being a mixture of pseudo-investigations and distorted facts. And, of course, “sancta sanctorum” of the television industry is continual and scrupulous work targeted against evident opponents of the channel’s policy. In a word, some are caressed, others – aggressed.
As for such giant as 1+1 channel, they seem to have been pushing their meaningful propaganda against the UOC for a long while now, defining its existence as a threat to the whole Ukrainian statehood; therefore, they resort to any means to convince their audience that the UOC and its parishioners are wishy-washy aliens governed by Moscow. This absolute nonsense is being splashed by the 1+1 journalists in their materials.
Another investigation and another portion of skillfully cooked up lie. In the “Dengi” (Money) program which was launched on 21 March, journalists dared carry out a really audacious investigation. However, it was not the investigation and attempt to expose avid clergymen that appeared audacious, but the work of the journalist, who had frequently concealed actualities merely for the sake of the desired “picture”.
Lexo gjithashtu
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