Another deception of Archimandrite Victor (Bed’) Refuted
On August 21, Archimandrite Victor (Bed’), who has gone into schism and calls himself "the Bishop of Mukachevo and the Carpathian UAOC", informed on the site of his "diocese" "about the transition of St. Nicholas’ Diocesan Monastery (Chynadiyevo) from the jurisdiction of the Mukachevo Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate to the Carpathian Eparchy of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church."
This was allegedly agreed with the superior of St. Nicholas’ Monastery of the diocese Archimandrite Nicholai (Rekivchak).
According to the Vicar of the Mukachevo diocese of the UOC His Eminence Theodore, Archbishop of Mukachevo and Uzhhorod, there has never been St. Nicholas’ Monastery in the urban-type settlement of Chynadiyevo. Mentioned in the report, Archimandrite Nicholai (Rekivchak) is a cleric of the Diocese of Mukachevo. After returning from repentance from the so-called "Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kiev Patriarchate '(UOC-KP) a few years ago, he withdrew from the staff due to illness, which led to the inability to perform his pastoral duties. Archimandrite Nicholai (Rekivchak) lived in a private house in Chynadiyevo. In the yard of the house he built a chapel, which was never considered a monastic building.
Meanwhile, in the town of Chynadiyevo, Mukachevo district, Transcarpathian region, there is an acting monastery named in honor of the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God, which remains faithful to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and didn’t pass to the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church.
Source: the official website of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church
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