Eyewitnesses without Glasses
Today, at once two popular among "patriotic" communities resources "RISU" and "Magic info" published another dubious article on "voluntary transition", in actual fact, seizures of the UOC churches by representatives of the UOC-KP and their supporters. This time it goes about events in the village of Duliby, Hoshcha district, Rivne region.
It is to be recalled that in this village conflict between the UOC community, which was founded in 1991, and a newly formed UOC-KP congregation occured. As the UOJ has already reported, a few months ago the church was illegally sealed by the then village head Lesia Myronchuk, who initiated a collection of signatures for the formation of a religious community of the UOC-KP, although people were said to sign against the "privatization of church land by senior priest Father Sergius." However, such an activity of hers appeared quite well-reasoned as the archpriest of the UOC-KP of Hoshcha district turned out to be a brother of the then village head. Whatever it was, on November 6, having unsealed the disputed religious building, the religious community of the UOC came into the church and served the Divine Liturgy.
But let’s back to our "patriotic" colleagues. Here is how these events are described by "RISU": "According to witnesses ... although it wasn’t raining, the parishioners were hiding under umbrellas, perhaps, unwilling to be fixed by photo and video cameras. After that the state security service got the premises under control and set the alarm."
The report looks very dramatic: RISU agents risked their lives trying to photograph offenders, but they (offenders) were hiding their foul faces under umbrellas! However, as they say, there is a small “but”. The whole process was filmed by the UOJ reporters.
There was nether rain, nor umbrellas there. So, dear RISU, as an unforgettable Bulgakov's character said: "I congratulate you, dear citizen, on telling a lie!" It can also be noted that in addition to the successful flight of fancy colleagues from RISU can be congratulated on autumn aggravation of the symptoms of kleptomania, for pictures in their publication incredibly look alike shots from Duliby UOJ reports. A small matter!
Lexo gjithashtu
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