Professor of KTA Prot. Alexiy Dobosh: I agree to condemn Lviv Church Council after the Pope denounces Brest Union
On March 9, at the 7th annual conference "Student Science at the Theological School", Professor of the Kiev Theological Academy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, presented his report on the historical events that occurred in 1946 in Ukraine – "Lviv Church Council of 8-10 March, 1946, in the Context of Ecclesiastical Historical Realities."
In his report, Prot. Alexiy Dobosh discussed the issues of collaboration of the Greek Catholic Church and the nationalist factions of the OUN and the UPA, an effort of the Greek-Catholic leaders to join the Orthodox Church in Ukraine to the Catholic Church and other aspects of the Greek Catholics in the first half of the 20th century, in the context of which the Lviv Church Council of 1946 can be assessed.
"As to whether to ask for forgiveness or appeal to the Patriarch of Moscow to condemn the Lviv Church Council of 1946, I will express my personal position – I agree to initiate the collection of signatures to the Patriarch of Moscow to condemn the Lviv Council of 1946, but only after the Pope, in the spirit of Havana solutions, condemns not the abstract methods of uniatizm but a particular creation of the Union of Brest in 1596, " the professor of KTA said.
The Lviv Church Council is assessed in a controversial manner in modern Ukraine and so far has been the subject for heated discussions between the Greek Catholics and the Ukrainian Orthodox Christians.
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