"No interest" – prosecutor dismisses materials defending UOJ journalists

Court. Photo: Zebra TV

At the Solomiansky Court, the case of Archpriest Sergiy Chertylin and the staff of the Union of Orthodox Journalists is being heard, where the rights of the defendants are systematically violated, stated Valeriy Stupnitsky’s lawyer.

The attorney explained that despite power outages, he had prepared a large volume of documents for the trial, including copies of articles published on the UOJ website, supporting the Ukrainian Armed Forces and condemning Russian aggression. This contradicts the prosecution's claim that the UOJ journalists support and justify it. By law, the prosecutor is obliged to ensure proper pre-trial investigation, but Prosecutor I. Ya. Ruli refused to accept these documents, saying, "I am not interested in this."

The lawyer stated that this demonstrates the clear bias of the prosecutor and requested the acceptance of the application for his recusal.

As reported, the defenders of Archpriest Serhiy Chertylin and the UOJ journalists described the proceedings in the UOJ case at the Solomiansky courtroom.

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