XIII century Gospel reprint presented in Kyiv Sofia with UOC participation

A facsimile edition of the Gospel of Galicia-Volhynia (XII century). Photo: news.church.ua

On May 28, 2024, with the participation of a clergyman of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, the Sofia of Kyiv National Reserve held a presentation of a facsimile edition of the Gospel of Galicia-Volhynia (XII century), reports the Information and Education Department of the UOC.

Implementation of the facsimile edition took place within the framework of the program “Bringing back the cultural heritage to Ukraine”. The project involved the publishing house “Horobets”, benefactors, partners, as well as a cleric of the Volyn Eparchy of the UOC.

According to the publishers, the structure of the book is a full Gospel-aprakos with an added monthly calendar. Its scientific part contains historiographical, linguistic-orthographic and artistic study of the manuscript.

“The copy is an open source for researchers and all lovers of Ukrainian spiritual and cultural heritage. In addition, the monument is a valuable source for the study of the Church Slavonic language in the Ukrainian edition,” they add.

The presentation was attended by the director of the publishing house Anna Horobets and the staff, Ukrainian scientists, artists, as well as representatives of the administration of the National Reserve “Sofia of Kyiv”.

Archimandrite Onufriy (Kuts), cleric of the Volyn Eparchy of the UOC, took part in the project and presentation with the blessing of Metropolitan Nathanael.

“The organizers noted the hard work put in by Archimandrite Onufriy for the implementation of the said publication,” the report said.

As reported earlier, in Volyn, one and a half thousand believers held a religious procession with a prayer for peace.

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