Stefanchuk explains why Rada did not bring Bill 8371 to a vote
Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada Ruslan Stefanchuk. Photo: print-screen of LB video
Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada Ruslan Stefanchuk explained why, contrary to the demands of MPs from "European Solidarity" and "Voice," the anti-church law 8371 was not put to a vote, Interfax reports..
He noted that he was compelled to announce a break in the plenary session on Tuesday because the "European Solidarity" faction blocked the podium.
"Ukrainian Speaker, like his deputies, does not make decisions on including certain issues in the agenda because it is prescribed by the regulations of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. The decision is made exclusively by the conciliation council, which includes representatives of all factions," he said.
The speaker promised to personally vote for and sign the law.
"This will be a compromise. This will be a joint decision, not blasphemy, clamor, and circus that we are witnessing today," Stefanchuk summed up.
During the speaker's speech, MP from "European Solidarity" Iryna Herashchenko stood next to him on video, actively and emotionally gesturing, commenting on Stefanchuk's speech.
As reported by the UOJ, on May 21, MPs from the "European Solidarity" and "Voice" factions demanded that Bill 8371 be put to a vote in the Verkhovna Rada, which effectively leads to the prohibition of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.
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