UOC temple defended: "One can go to the front lines with such grandmothers"
Believers of the UOC defended their temple in Krasyliv. Photo: screenshot from Facebook live stream
In Krasyliv, Khmelnytskyi Oblast, believers of the UOC managed to prevent the seizure of the Nativity of Christ temple. Supporters of the OCU, along with deputies of the Krasyliv City Council, came to the church, two of them illegally entered the sanctuary, the UOJ correspondent reports.
Thanks to the coordinated actions of the priest and parishioners, two hours later the intruders were driven out of the temple. The police, who were present at the scene, did not take any active measures. Only after the clergyman entered the church through the window and opened the door did law enforcement officers remove the supporters of the OCU.
The parish priest thanked the believers for protecting their sanctuary and relayed the words of the investigator who came to the believers' call: "With such grandmothers, one could go to the front lines."
The UOC priest in the temple provided detailed information about the situation.
As the UOJ reported, believers conducted a live broadcast from the scene.
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