Armenian Archbishop: Ready to lead the country's government

Archbishop Bagrat Galstanyan of the Armenian Apostolic Church. Photo: TASS

In Armenia, currently affected by anti-government protests, the leader of the parliamentary opposition and head of the Tavush Diocese, Archbishop Bagrat Galstanyan, stated that the opposition is ready to initiate the impeachment process against the Republic's Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, and he himself may become a candidate for prime minister, reports Interfax.

"If the people want this, if it is the will of God, and if I receive the blessing of the Armenian Patriarch, then who am I to refuse? I repeat, I do not want this, I am a spiritual leader, this mission is several times higher than the prime minister's chair," he told journalists at the anti-government march.

On May 4th, Archbishop Galstanyan, with the blessing of Catholicos Karekin II, began a march from the Tavush region of Armenia and announced protests in Yerevan starting from May 9th against the Armenian government's policies regarding the demarcation of borders with Azerbaijan. Heads of all dioceses of the Armenian Church joined Archbishop Bagrat, starting marches from different regions of Armenia.

As reported, the Supreme Spiritual Council of the Armenian Apostolic Church (AAC) stated that Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan's initiative regarding the adoption of a new Constitution is highly doubtful.

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