Netflix to show Ukrainian LGBT series sponsored by State Cinema Agency
Poster of the film ‘Tolerance Lessons’. Photo: Facebook
Starting from May 8th, the Ukrainian comedy series 'Tolerance Lessons' directed by Arkadiy Nepytaliuk, focused on LGBT themes, will be available on the Netflix platform, according to the State Agency of Ukraine for Cinema.
It is reported that 'Tolerance Lessons' is an adaptation of the 'Gay Parade' play. The plot of the play and the comedic situations revolve around an ordinary Ukrainian family who, to cope with financial difficulties, agree to participate in the Eurointegration program 'Tolerance Lessons' and invite a representative of non-traditional orientation into their family.
The film was created with the support of the State Agency of Ukraine for Cinema by the film company SOLAR MEDIA Entertainment.
As reported by the UOJ, earlier the LGBT community launched a flash mob with kisses in a UGCC church.
Lexo gjithashtu
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