Rights defenders send materials to Bundestag on persecution of UOC believers
The building of the Bundestag. Photo: bundestag.de
The International Human Rights Alliance "Church Against Xenophobia and Discrimination" has submitted materials to the Bundestag, indicating the persecution of believers of the UOC, reports the Telegram channel of the Alliance.
Rights defenders of the international alliance have submitted remarks to the Committee on Human Rights and Humanitarian Aid of the Bundestag (Ausschuss für Menschenrechte und humanitäre Hilfe) regarding the Third Report of the Federal Government of Germany on the Global State of Freedom of Religion and Beliefs.
Informational materials on the situation of religious communities of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church have been submitted for consideration by the Committee before the date of parliamentary hearings, which were scheduled for April 24, 2024.
In addition to written testimonies from UOC dioceses, expert opinions on the bill "On the Prohibition of the UOC", prepared by the international law firm "Amsterdam and Partners," were attached to the appeal, as well as the widely distributed "White Book" of reports on violations of the rights of UOC believers.
The written appeal on behalf of the Alliance was signed by Metropolitan Theodosiy (Snigirev) of Cherkasy and Kaniv of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Timotheos (Margaritis) of Vostra of the Exarchate of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher on the island of Cyprus of the Jerusalem Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Joanikije of Montenegro and the Littoral of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Archbishop Theodosios (Hanna) of Sebastia of the Jerusalem Orthodox Church, as well as other participants of the Alliance.
According to rights defenders, "this step is another action aimed at informing the international community, positioning itself as defenders of religious freedom, about the actual situation of UOC believers."
Participants of the Alliance have promised that they "will continue the further dialogue with members of the Bundestag and national parliaments of other countries to find effective ways to protect religious freedom in Ukraine and around the world."
Earlier, the UOJ reported that hierarchs of Local Churches announced the creation of an organization to defend the Church.
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