His Beatitude leads a special service with Akathist to Our Lady in Feofania

Matins of the Feast of the Praise of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Feofania. Photo: news.church.ua

On April 19, 2024, on the eve of the Saturday of the Akathist, the Praise of the Most Holy Theotokos, His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry of Kyiv and All Ukraine officiated a special service – Matins with the singing of the Akathist to the Mother of God, reports news.church.ua.

The Vespers took place in the main cathedral of the Panteleimon Convent in Feofaniya, Kyiv.

The service of the Feast of the Praise of the Most Holy Theotokos has a feature that distinguishes it from all other church services of the year. During the morning service, the Akathist to the Mother of God is performed in a special way: it is divided into four parts and solemnly sung by clergy and choir.

During the Vespers, the Primate was concelebrated by Metropolitan Agafangel of Odesa and Izmail, Metropolitan Antony of Boryspil and Brovary, other hierarchs, and clergy of the UOC.

As reported by the UOJ, two Lavra temples could not accommodate all the faithful who came to the Sunday service.

Lexo gjithashtu

Ηomazhe Klasikëve Grek

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