AUCCRO assures European churches of freedom of religion in Ukraine
Representatives of the AUCCRO and the CEC. Photo:
On April 10, 2024, representatives of the All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations (AUCCRO) reassured the delegation of the Conference of European Churches that there is freedom of religion in Ukraine.
According to the website of the OCU, during the meeting with the delegation of the Conference of European Churches, representatives of the AUCCRO noted that "there is freedom of religion in Ukraine during the martial law, and various churches, using this freedom, engage in their spiritual and humanitarian activities in Ukrainian society."
It is also reported that "the delegation of the Conference of European Churches was presented with a report from the Institute for Religious Freedom 'The Impact of the Russian Invasion on Religious Communities in Ukraine,' containing the results of monitoring and surveys on the situation of Ukrainian religious communities in the territories occupied by Russia, as well as interviews with religious leaders of various denominations about Russian crimes in Ukraine."
However, the information has been published on the DECR UOC website that the representative of the UOC at the meeting with the Conference of European Churches, Archpriest Mykolai Danylevych, expressed "concern of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church about the possibility of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopting bill No. 8371."
Earlier, the UOJ reported that Yelensky assured that Ukraine is a model of freedom of religion.
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