The case of Metropolitan Theodosiy sent to court

Metropolitan Theodosiy. Photo: Cherkasy Eparchy's FB

The Cherkasy prosecutor's office has sent charges to court against Metropolitan Theodosiy (Snigirev), the head of the Cherkasy and Kaniv Eparchy, accusing him of inciting hatred and hostility during his sermons, Suspilne.Cherkasy reports.

Metropolitan Theodosiy, a hierarch of the UOC, is suspected of deliberately engaging in actions aimed at inciting religious hatred and hostility, under Article 161 Part 1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The basis for the accusation is a video recording of Metropolitan Theodosiy's sermon made in January 2024.

"In the video address, the priest expressed intolerance towards believers of other religious organizations and insulted the feelings of citizens based on their religious beliefs. The accused bishop posted his video for a wide audience on various open Internet resources," the prosecutor's office stated.

As previously reported by the UOJ, on March 14, 2024, the court rejected the prosecutor's request for the detention of Metropolitan Theodosiy and placed the bishop under nighttime house arrest.

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