A large icon of Christ falls near Pope Francis during Easter Mass
The icon that fell near the pontiff. Photo: ilmessaggero.it
During the Easter Mass celebrated by Pope Francis, a large icon of Christ, located on the altar erected in the square in front of St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican, fell.
According to the Italian publication Il Messaggero, "during the Mass in the Vatican, a gust of wind stronger than usual caused the ancient icon of Christ to fall to the ground."
The icon fell just a few meters from the Pope and was put back in place by two attendants.
The publication states that this incident is already being interpreted as a certain "sign" indicating the unsuccessful pontificate of Pope Francis.
They recalled several similar "symbolic" cases, comparing them to the falling of the icon on Easter.
In 2013, on the day of Benedict XVI's renunciation of the papacy, lightning struck the large iron cross at the top of St. Peter's Basilica.
In January 2014, Francis released a "dove of peace" during a prayer for peace, which was immediately attacked and fatally wounded by a crow and a seagull in flight.
In June 2016, during Francis's trip to Armenia, he released doves on the Turkish border, which inexplicably returned.
In August 2018, the roof of the 400-year-old church of San Giuseppe dei Falegnami in Rome collapsed. The church is managed by the Jesuits and is dedicated to St. Joseph, the patron saint of the Church.
The UOJ also reported that on Sunday, December 17, 2023, lightning struck the statue of the Apostle Peter on the church of Our Lady of the Rosary, located in the archdiocese of Buenos Aires – the former diocese of Pope Francis.
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