LGBT festival to be held in Kyiv's Zhovten movie theater
The cinema has already been painted with homophobic inscriptions and set on fire for LGBT-themed films. Collage: Informer
In Kyiv's "Zhovten" cinema, an LGBT festival will be held from April 19th to 26th, as reported by Kiev.informator. The cinema has previously been vandalized with homophobic graffiti and arson attacks due to screenings of films with LGBT themes.
The program for the film festival is not yet known, but a pass for screenings costs 1000 UAH, and participants in military actions can receive tickets for free. The organizers of the film festival, LGBTQIA+SUNNY BUNNY cinema, expressed concerns about possible provocations. Posters advertising the event, made using photographs of naked body parts, "may be perceived as a provocation by some". Such a reaction is possible because in previous instances when LGBT-slanted films were shown at "Zhovten", the cinema was vandalized with homophobic graffiti and subjected to arson attacks.
As reported by the UOJ, singer Soloviy called on the UGCC to welcome more parishioners from the LGBT community.
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