UOC spokesman comments on Cabinet's cancellation of Lavra transfer in 2013
Deputy Chairman of the DECR UOC, Archpriest Mykola Danylevych, commenting on the actions of the Cabinet of Ministers to cancel the decision, which transferred the temples and buildings of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra to the UOC, said that without a court decision, it is illegal and unfounded. Father Mykola wrote about it on his Telegram channel.
Archpriest Mykola noted that such a decision is a one-off – such is its legal nature.
"Eviction of the UOC monastery from the Lavra can also be only on the basis of a court decision. The ruling of the Economic Court, which refused to secure the claim, does not give rise to any rights or obligations for the monastery and does not allow to take the buildings and expel the residents of the monastery," the UOC spokesperson added.
As reported, on 30 March, the authorities cancelled the 2013 decree on transferring the Lavra to the UOC for use.
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