Duda: Polish Orthodoxy united Byzantine and Western civilisations
President Andrzej Duda during the awarding of representatives of the Polish Church. Photo: orthodox.pl
President Andrzej Duda has honoured representatives of the Polish Orthodox Church for their services to the state and held a ceremony to include two monasteries in the list of historical monuments in Poland, reports orthodox.pl.
Included in the list were the Stauropegial Monastery of St. Onuphry in Jabłeczna and the Annunciation of the Mother of God in Supraśl, a monument from the 16th century, one of the most important spiritual and cultural centres in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
President Andrzej Duda called these two "pillars of Polish Orthodoxy".
"When I saw the monastery complex in Supraśl for the first time, I must say that it took my breath away. Especially the church, as if it had been taken out of Constantinople. At least in my perception. So, these are truly extraordinary places," Duda said.
As Duda noted, despite the fact that "mentally and culturally" Poland "has always been part of the West" thanks to its location it has united Byzantine civilization with Western civilization. It was a bridge not of division, but of reconciliation and cooperation, and Polish Orthodoxy played an important role in these processes, says the president. According to him, thanks to these "numerous intertwining currents and elements", Poland enjoys "enormous recognition and respect".
As reported, Polish President Andrzej Duda visited the Metropolitan Basilica of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary on 11 January during his visit to Ukraine.
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