UOC warns of fake "Primate's Word" spreading
Illustrative photo. Photo: Vidkrityi.
The press service of the UOC said that fake messages with the "Word of His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry" attached were sent out on January 2, 2023, on behalf of the UOC Information and Educational Department.
It is reported that the Information and Education Department did not send out any messages in January 2023, and the text sent from the e-mail account presschurchua@gmail.com and signed "Information and Education Department of the UOC" is a fake sent from another account and has nothing to do with the official documentation of the UOC.
The press service notes that emails with such content often contain viruses and reminds the faithful that the official email address of the UOC Information and Educational Department is presschurch@gmail.com.
As reported, in the first days of the war, His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry called the war waged by Russia fratricidal and called for it to be stopped immediately.
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