Fox News: No justification for the destruction and ban of the UOC
Carlson Tucker. Photo: Screenshot of the UOJ telegram channel
Tucker Carlson reported that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky sent his "secret police" to conduct searches in churches throughout Ukraine and even in convents, arresting dozens of priests without any evidence and in clear violation of the Ukrainian Constitution, which now seems to hold no significance. He emphasized that the Biden administration did not react to this, stating, "They didn't say anything. Not a word. Instead, they continue to insist on sending more tax dollars to Zelensky."
According to Tucker, Zelensky "announced his intention to ban an entire religion—the Ukrainian Orthodox Church—and to seize its property for not being sufficiently loyal to his regime." He further stated that a free country does not ban a major religion simply because it does not entirely support the political program of the people in charge of that country. But Zelensky is doing just that, and his cabinet is now developing ways to punish Christians for adhering to their ancient religion, which is banned in Ukraine.
"The Ukrainian Orthodox Church has been around for over a thousand years. With the full support of the Biden administration and the U.S. Congress, Zelensky has decided to ban it," Tucker emphasized.
The American journalist firmly believes that one cannot send soldiers into churches, one cannot arrest dozens of priests because they do not bow to you, and "you cannot ban entire religions."
He pointed out that most American media outlets ignored this issue, and some tried to find justifications for it due to the ongoing military actions. "But there is absolutely no justification for this at all. The Ukrainian Orthodox Church is not Russian; it is Ukrainian. It is not associated with Putin's government. It has even officially condemned Russia's invasion of Ukraine. So, again, there is no justification for destroying and banning this Church. And yet, many prominent supporters of Zelensky in the West have said nothing about it. It's about time they did," Carlson concluded.
Earlier, the UOJ reported that, in the opinion of the Ecumenical Patriarchate (Fanar), the actions of the Ukrainian authorities towards the UOC indicate that Ukrainian Orthodoxy is being cleansed.
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