Ministry of Culture presses state administrations to count UOC temples with a view to «responding»

The Ministry of Culture of Ukraine has shot a circular letter addressed for Kiev and local state administrations requiring to report within a month term on the quantity of registered UOC communities, the number of its houses of worshsip and acreage of the land plots allocated for the Church. The letter was signed by First Deputy Minister S. Fomenko, reports the UOC Information and Education Department.

The requirement is motivated by the aim of «preventing conflict situations and timely response.» The letter does not specify though what exactly the Ministry's representative is going to respond to.

At the same time, nothing is said with reference to other confessions, which can contradict the provision of the Constitution of Ukraine on equality of all religions.

The document also contains the requirement to make a report on the funds allocated for cultural, social and charitable events which were held together with the UOC.

Lexo gjithashtu

Njoftimi i Sinodit të Shenjtë të Kishës Orthodhokse Autoqefale të Shqipërisë

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E diela e djalit plangprishës (Llukait 15, 11-32.)

Prane atit “Do të ngrihem e do të shkoj tek im atë.” v. 18.

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