The book by a converted atheist now a movie

The movie based on the popular book “The Case for Christ” by Lee Strobel, a famous American journalist, writer and Christian apologist, is set for release in America on April 7, reports Rublev citing the Religion News Service.

In the early 1980s, Lee Strobel, an atheist and legal editor of the Chicago Tribune, decided to investigate the facts surrounding the case for Christianity — largely to discredit the faith after his wife converted.

He interviewed biblical scholars, medical doctors and psychologists; read history, philosophy and apologetics; studied archeology and ancient literature; and picked apart the Bible.

The result was the popular book, “The Case for Christ.” As he wrote in its introduction, “We can’t have absolute proof about virtually anything in life.” But in the case of Christianity’s claims about Jesus, his investigation persuaded him to believe at tthe end of 1980s. Lee Strobel got several awards for his books.

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