"Russian narratives" in Chertylin case: Experts confuse "natovp" with NATO

Archpriest Serhiy Chertylin in a fragment of the film, where experts saw "Russian narratives". Photo: UOJ

The expertise, initiated by the SBU, accused Archpriest Serhiy Chertilin of using "Russian narratives", confusing the word "natovp" (crowd) with NATO, reports the Telegram channel kozakTv1.

The authors of the Telegram channel reported that the materials of the case against Father Serhiy Chertylin included a documentary about the seizure of churches in Ukraine, which Fr Serhiy filmed with friends.

The film is called "Beyond the Lines" and it hasn't been released yet, "so the SBU examined one of the working versions of the film, which was not published," wrote kozakTv1.

Journalists published a page of the "so-called psycholinguistic expertise ordered by the SBU".

They highlighted a fragment of the text that supposedly captures and emphasizes quotes from the film.

In the text highlighted in the center of the page by the SBU experts, it says: "Imagine yourself in the place of a priest who is being driven out of his home along with his little daughter by an aggressive NATO...!"

"What does NATO have to do with a story about the seizure of a church in the village of Trebukhiv in April 2023?! Where did NATO come from in a text where it never existed, and where it makes no sense in the context?" the journalists wondered.

It turns out that in the original voice-over, which can be heard in the film fragment that fell into the hands of the SBU, Fr Serhiy says the following:

"...While you are watching this video, another church seizure is taking place or is being prepared in Ukraine, which will leave behind dozens and hundreds of wounded souls who have lost faith in law and justice. Can you imagine yourself in the place of a priest who is being driven out of his home with his little daughter by an aggressive crowd (натовп – Ukrainian), as happened in the village of Trebukhiv, Kyiv region?"

"This already makes sense, doesn't it? Especially since these words are further illustrated by footage of the church seizure in Trebukhov, where there is indeed the little girl, the daughter of the priest. Thus, with a light and lazy hand of deaf, dumb, or deceitful investigators, 'agresyvny natovp' (aggressive crowd) turned into 'agresyvne NATO' (aggressive NATO)," write the journalists.

They suggested that "the text, which is allegedly the film's script, could have been generated without even watching or listening to the original".

"This might sound utterly ridiculous, but it seems the investigators used a speech-to-text subtitle generation program, possibly the one integrated into YouTube," suggested kozakTv1.

To support their version, they provided examples of the same mistake made by YouTube in some versions of the film at the same point.

"This information discredits any trust in the so-called examinations, based on which journalists from UOJ and Fr Sergiy Chertylin were arrested and put on trial," the journalists from kozakTv1 believe.

As earlier reported, the journalist's lawyer demonstrated to the court the absurdity of the UOJ news expertise.

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