Nationalists include Lomachenko in the register of traitors because of his support for UOC
Vasyl Lomachenko. Photo:
Former world boxing champion Vasyl Lomachenko is included in the register of state traitors, which is maintained by the Chesno movement. The reason for this is the boxer's post on Instagram with a sermon by Metropolitan Longin. This is reported by the Tribuna publication.
“Publicity imposes certain social obligations on athletes, because they are the idols of our children and influence the opinion of the younger generation. It is hard to believe that the stars of our sport are not able to determine on their own who has been fighting with whom for almost 9 years, who started the war, who is a terrorist state. This is the position of a person. The spread of fake Russian propaganda harms our country no less than rockets and shaheeds,” said Vita Dumanskaya, leader of the Chesno movement.
The boxer's photo appeared on the movement's website in the "Treasons" section. In addition to the post of a boxer with a sermon by the bishop of the UOC, he is blamed for a joint photo with Metropolitan Luke (Kovalenko) and congratulations to readers on the Victory Day.
As the UOJ reported, after Lomachenko defended the UOC, nationalists launched harassment against the boxer in social networks. In particular, Bohdan “Tavr” Krotevych, the chief of staff of the Azov regiment, reacted to his post offering to exchange the athlete for prisoners of war in the Russian Federation.
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