ES MP registers a petition demanding to take away all Lavras from UOC

Oleksiy Honcharenko. Photo:

Parliamentarian of the European Solidarity party Oleksiy Honcharenko registered a petition on the website of the President's Office demanding to take the Kyiv-Pechersk, Pochaiv and Sviatogorsk Lavra from the UOC.

In this petition, Honcharenko requests Zelensky to support bill No. 8221 to ban the Russian Orthodox Church on the territory of Ukraine.

The bill provides for the early termination of all documents of rental, hire or leasing with this institution, as well as with legal entities, the owner, participant, of which it is a shareholder.

“Therefore, together with the public, we ask the President of Ukraine to apply to the Verkhovna Rada with a request to immediately consider the bill, which provides for the early termination of lease agreements and the return of all property leased by this institution to state ownership,” the petition says.

“This will help return such landmark facilities as the Kyiv-Pechersk, Holy Dormition Pochaiv and Sviatogorsk Lavras to the ownership of the state,” Honcharenko added.

As of 21:30 November 26, 2022, 17,241 votes have been collected out of 25,000 required. There are 91 days left until the end of the collection of signatures.

As previously reported by the UOJ, the text of the ES bill on the ban on the ROC in Ukraine was published on the website of the Rada.

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