Provocations of UOC-KP fail in Dereviannoye of Rovno region
In vlg. Dereviannoye, Rovno region, supporters of the Kiev Patriarchate started to collect signatures for a change of jurisdiction and initiated a meeting, where this issue was to be considered. KP activists did not achieve the desired result. Only fifteen people from almost half a thousand villagers came to the meeting.
According to eyewitnesses, despite the aggressive agitation and mudflows, which the initiators of the inter-faith conflict poured out on the pages of Internet resources and in conversations with the villagers during the week, they failed to influence the UOC believers. 270 people signed up for membership in the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, thus affirming their steadfastness and faithfulness of being in the Holy Apostolic Church.
Lexo gjithashtu
Zgjedhja E Kryepiskopit Të Ri Të Kishës Orthodhokse Autoqefale Të Shqipërisë
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