Security Service of Ukraine files a case against UOC priest for his post in Facebook

The SBU has filed an administrative case against the clergyman of Tulchin eparchy of the UOC, Doctor of Theology, hieromonk Ioann (Kurmoyarov), who posted a congratulatory card on May 9 depicting the St. George ribbon. This was reported by Father John in an interview with the correspondent of the UOJ.

According to him, law enforcers "have had a talk with him" not the first time, and he asked to confirm all the calls by documents, after which he was presented with a summons. He explained that the publication of the postcard on Facebook with the St. George ribbon occurred on May 9, when millions of people in Ukraine published it on their greeting cards. Then no one had any complaints against him. And now, when almost a year has passed, the local police and SBU begin to call him to give explanations.

"The SBU has filed a case against me! Today went to the police by the notice of appointment (photo attached), where the materials came from SBU. An administrative case has been opened against me. You will laugh, but the reason for this was my posting, on May 9 last year, a greeting card with a picture of St. George's ribbon," the hieromonk said on his Facebook page.

Father John said that he had already given the police all the necessary explanations on this matter, in the near future the court will be held. Hieromonk noted that even after paying a fine, St. George ribbon will still be openly worn.

The priest placed his post on May 9, 2017.

On May 16, 2017, the Verkhovna Rada banned St. George's ribbon in Ukraine. The article "Manufacture and propaganda of St. George's (Guard’s) ribbon" was introduced into the Code of Administrative Offenses. For a public demonstration or wearing a ribbon, a penalty of 50-150 non-taxable minimums (at that time 850-2550 UAH) is provided.

On June 15, the law came into force. The document was published in the official publication "Voice of Ukraine".

In accordance with Article 58 of the Constitution of Ukraine, laws and other regulations do not have an inverse effect in time.

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