Arsonists of Tithes Monastery released on bail

The Kiev Appeal Court released on bail architects Alexander Gorban and Alexei Shemotyuk charged with the arson of the Tithes (Desyatinny) Monastery, reports

The Court of Appeal overturned the previous preventive measure (arrest for 2 months with the right of bail of ₴ 2.2 mln.). The accused of the arson of the temple were released on bail of 10 people's deputies who came to the court session. The judge also ordered the suspects not to leave Kiev without the permission of the prosecutor or the investigator and to surrender their passports for travelling abroad.

On January 25, the Kiev police reported the detention of two men for arson of the monastery under Article 208 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. On a factual basis, criminal proceedings were opened under part 2 of Article 15 and part 2 of Article 139 of the Criminal Code (attempted intentional destruction or damage to property). On January 28, the Kiev Shevchenko District Court arrested them for 2 months with the right of bail as an alternative.

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