Tithes Monastery offers to bail out arsonists
As reported in the monastery, believers from the very morning began to gather near the monastery for the prayerful support of the brethren.
In the morning about five hundred people came to the monastery. According to the testimony of the brethren, people continued to arrive in an endless stream.
On February 3, three thousand believers of the UOC gathered for a prayer service in defense of the monastery from the radicals who threatened to destroy the shrine. For 10 hours the Orthodox defended the monastery.
On January 27, the Kiev court sentenced the instigators of the Tithes Monastery of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the UOC from the right-wing organization "S14" to detention for 2 months or to bailment of UAH 2 million 200 thousand for each.
On January 25, the radicals undertook publicly the assault of the Monastery, and at night tried to commit arson. Radicals threatening the monastery's brethren shouted, "I'll burn you, slut! You're a KGB officer. I'll kick you now with my leg, okay? You are a slut that has no place here – I tell you that in Russian. To you, clowns in skirts, there is no respect."
Lexo gjithashtu
Zgjedhja E Kryepiskopit Të Ri Të Kishës Orthodhokse Autoqefale Të Shqipërisë
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Takimi i Metropolit të Filadelfisë me të rinjtë Ortodokse Tirane
Mitropoliti i Filadelfias Hirësi Melitonin i cili na tregoi për momentet e vështira në ditët e para të ardhjes të Kryepiskopit Anastas në Shqipëri.
Përkujtimorja dyzetditore e Kryepiskopit Shqipërisë, Anastasit
Liturgjinë Hyjnore e kryesoi famullitari, Hirësia e Tij Mitropoliti i Koricës, z. Gjoni.