OSCE monitors religious situation in UOC eparchies

Observers of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine conduct systematic monitoring of the religious situation in the eparchies of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, reports the UOC Information and Education Department.

On February 1, during a meeting between Metropolitan Simeon of Vinnitsa and Bar and representatives of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine, the state of interfaith relations in the region and the activities of the clergy and faithful of the Vinnitsa eparchy in providing humanitarian aid to servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and social institutions on the territory of the hostilities in the Donbass were discussed.

On January 26, during the meeting of the Secretary of the Odessa eparchy Protopriest Evgeny Gutiar and OSCE observers, it was noted that in early January several resonant events related to provocations against the Odessa eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church took place in the Odesa eparchy, which cannot but disturb the world community.

On January 12, Metropolitan Luke of Zaporozhye and Melitopol discussed with the representatives of the Dnepr Office of the OSCE the situation in the Zaporozhye region due to an artificially created conflict that was heated and spread by the media hostile to the UOC.

Lexo gjithashtu

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