In Kiev center radicals dismantles memorial cross erected by UOC

About 70 people in the center of Kiev dismantled the cross located at the intersection of Reitarskaya Street and Georgievsky Lane, reports the UNIAN.

"S14" activists announced the action to demolish the memorial cross on Facebook. It was allegedly aimed at protecting the sculpture "The Hedgehog in the Fog" located in the сity square.

"We understand the real threats that have hung over this unique small square, in which there is such a unique sculpture as "The Hedgehog in the Fog," the agency cites people's deputy Igor Lutsenko. "Even a small sign and a certain symbol indicate the intention here to revive a temple of Kievan Rus times. This means that we need to act with determination to show that we will not allow the destruction of the square, the destruction of trees and sculptures that are there."

At the same time, the participants of the action assure the public that they did not plan to demolish the cross, but only wanted to decorate it with Ukrainian symbols.

"It fell itself, because when we were hanging Ukrainian symbols on a post that was rather flimsy, one of the fellows decided to check how strong the post was, swung it, and the cross immediately fell," the agency quotes the words of the participant of the action.

As reported by the Kyiv Metropolis, the memorial cross in the square was placed on the site of the temple of Yaroslav the Wise (in baptism – George) and his wife Irina. The construction of the chapel was not planned on this site.

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