In Kiev "S14" going to attack nonexistent church of UOC

On February 2, Kiev radicals announced an action against the UOC. They wrote about this on a Facebook page.

This time the activists of the group included in the list of international terrorist organizations did not like a memorial cross placed in the park in Reitarskaya Street. The "S14" coordinator urged those wishing to gather in the designated square on February 2 at 16:00 to "culturally displace the cross and not even think to be built there."

"And what if there is a wiretap, weapons or the like in this FSB temple?" activists express concern.

As reported by the Kyiv Metropolis, the memorial cross in the square was placed on the site of the temple of Yaroslav the Wise (in baptism – George) and his wife Irina. The construction of the chapel was not planned on this site.

On February 3, the community of the Tithes (Desyatinny) Monastery in Kiev expect a forcible seizure of the church built near the foundation of the Tithes Church, the first stone church of Kievan Rus.

Lexo gjithashtu

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