This is our land! – “activists” utter threats to demolish Church of Tithes

On February 1, at a meeting on the topic "Illegal construction on the territory of the National Museum of Ukraine", a man who called himself a representative of the community of the city of Kiev, said that, if the authorities were not acting, there would still be "activists" who would demolish the Church of Tithes.

"If you do not fulfill your duties, firstly, the guys will continue to sit in jail, and secondly, there will be new ones," the man said. Because they are not the only people who said that you need to burn this structure ... If you do not fulfill your duties, it will happen without you. And I want to say that the responsibility in this case will not lie on those people who will demolish this structure. But it will lie on you. Because this casuistics – whether the President had the right to call for construction, or had no right, whether the Ministry of Culture fulfilled its duties, who should sue ... Sorry, please. On Saturday, 5,000 people are going to gather on the venue and they couldn’t care less who has the right, who does not have the right. This is our land, it belongs to the community, and we want it to have there. Nobody asked us – the community – whether there can be this cross, this chapel. This is a museum, and it belongs to the community. If you do not do it, then we will."

On January 25, the radicals undertook publicly the assault of Desyatinny Monastery, and at night tried to commit arson. Radicals threatening the monastery's brethren shouted, "I'll burn you, slut! You're a KGB officer. I'll kick you now with my leg, okay? You are a slut that has no place here – I tell you that in Russian. To you, clowns in skirts, there is no respect."

Lexo gjithashtu

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