Petition for the demolition of Tithes Monastery is created by the head of pagan community

The author of the petition on the portal of the city administration with a demand to demolish the Tithes monastery of the Nativity of the Holy Virgin of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Viacheslav Tolpyga turned out a chief of the pagan community “Fern Flower”.

"To date, the monastery's brethren are engaged in missionary and charitable activities, such as carrying out religious processions, charitable actions and concerts, and, like Grand Prince Vladimir, they wage fight with Satanists-pagans, who desecrate this holy place with their sacrifices and disgraceful actions," the abbot’s statement says on the monastery's website.

It is noteworthy that the head of the pagan community "Fern Flower" Viacheslav Toplyga entered in 2014 the Commission on the Protection of Cultural Heritage and Cultural Values of the Public Council to the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine.

In 1936, the Presidium of the City Council decided to demolish the Church of the Tithes. Only in 2005, near the foundation of the destroyed church, a tabernacle temple was established, and on July 9, 2009, the Synod of the UOC decided to open the Desyatinny Monastery of the Nativity of the Most-Holy Mother of God.

Last year of 2017 fellow neo-pagans already demanded the demolition of the monument to the Baptist of Rus in Kiev, Vladimir the Great, and "to cancel the current coat of arms of Kiev and the Kyiv City Council – Archangel Michael" as a religious symbol of Christianity, depicting "the Jewish Archistratigue Michael."

Note that the Desyatinny Monastery is located ten meters from the ancient pagan temple and a hundred meters from the construction of the head of the Kiev Patriarchate Filaret: a modern residence made of concrete and glass in Desyatinny Lane on the site of the demolished historical buildings of the 19th century and directly on the foundation of Prince Vladimir's Palace, built in 10th century.

Petitions on the site of the Kiev City Council are considered in case of receiving 10 thousand signatures within 90 days. The petition for the demolition of the Desyatinny Monastery just before the end of its validity term was able to collect 7,000 votes per day and night.

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