A judge intimidated after the arrest of arsonists of Tithes Monastery

The day after the trial of the arsonists of Desyatinny (Tithes) Monastery of the UOC, the judge of Shevchenko District Court, Tatiana Levitskaya, who sent the radicals from the "S14" under arrest, found a leaflet with threats on the windshield of her car. This is written by ”Strana”.

According to the judges' friends, a note with citations from the Constitution was placed under the wiper of her car, hinting at the biased decision on the case of right-wing radicals.

On the reverse side of the note a family was depicted (father, mother and two children). Levitskaya, who has a husband and two children, believes that this is "a threat to her personally and her family, in connection with her execution of justice in Ukraine." On this occasion, she appealed to the police.

In addition, the judge believes that the attackers followed her car.

As reported, the incident was indirectly confirmed by the press secretary of Shevchenko court Olga Piven. According to her, in the near future official information about this will appear on the site of the court.

On January 27, the Kiev court sentenced the arsonists of Tithes Monastery of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the UOC from the right-wing organization "S14" to detention for 2 months or bailment of 2 million 200 thousand UAH for each.

On January 25, the radicals undertook an assault of Desyatinny Monastery, and at night tried to commit arson.

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