UOJ statement regarding the assault on Editorial Office

On January 25 the UOJ Editorial Office was attacked by the people in balaclavas and insignia “S14”. Due to this the staff of the Union of Orthodox Journalists made a statement.

On January 25, at about 15:00, several dozen persons wearing the insignia of S14– an organization placed on the list of international terrorist organizations – violently broke into the office of the Union of Orthodox Journalists in Kiev and blocked the work of the Editorial Office.

For almost an hour, the radicals terrorized the editorial staff, blaming the site for "anti-Ukrainian activities" and "distributing separatist literature." The offenders kidnapped a hard drive with data.

The actions committed fall under the elements of crimes, foreseen by Article 185, Part 3 "Theft" and Article 171, Part 3 "Obstruction of Journalistic Activity".

The operational investigative group of the National Police accepted the statement from the journalists and carried out primary investigative actions.

The UOJ draws attention to the fact that ensuring the rights of journalists and freedom of speech is the responsibility of the state, which requires law enforcement agencies to:

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