A scientist from Zaporozhye wants to make a Ukrainian non-Orthodox Church out of KP
He cites Europe as an example where people, dissatisfied with Catholicism, created Lutheranism "and other branches" and "saturated them with national color".
"When we saturate the Kiev Patriarchate with national coloring, and the national color becomes a leitmotif, then we probably will not have such problems that we now have in religion," says A. Avdeyenko.
He suggests using for saturation of the new Church for Ukrainians such basic injections of "national color" as Ivan Kupala (pagan God – Ed.), festive songs and carols and suggests "to feel at ease and not to think up anything."
"We have the right to our Christianity, which is unlike any Orthodoxy ... I do not know any successful country that professes Orthodoxy," the writer said and added that it is the Kyiv Patriarchate that should become the pillar of such a religious organization.
However, the first thing that, in his opinion, should be done is "we need to recognize this Moscow diocese (UOC – Ed.) a political party and eliminate it in Ukraine forever."
Lexo gjithashtu
Zgjedhja E Kryepiskopit Të Ri Të Kishës Orthodhokse Autoqefale Të Shqipërisë
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