Human rights defender: UOC believers are pushed to self-defense – thousands will come out to Lavra
According to him, this is exactly what happened in western Ukraine during the church raiding campaign against the UOC in 2015-2016: "people began to gather near the churches, group into associations, appeal to the courts, and employ lawyers. When there were clashes, people came to defend their temple and stood for days and nights praying to keep the temple in their possession."
The local population does not support the persecution by the authorities of the believers of the UOC, including the flash mob Zaporozhye and the illegal seizure of temples in the west of Ukraine. "The tactic that was chosen in 2015-2016, did not justify itself," the human rights activist explains. "Believers united, gave an answer in the courts, in different instances, and there happened what was to happen: the animosity was defused."
He also believes that due to the failure of the previous tactics, in 2018 a new campaign has been launched in the form of media campaigns directed against the UOC, demonstrative actions near the Kiev Lavra.
O. Denisov emphasizes that these actions are not aimed at the takeover: "You see - it is very difficult to capture the Lavra, since too many believers will come to protect it."
In such situations, "the state should make it clear to offenders that such violations must not be committed," the human rights activist sums up, which is not the case at the moment.
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