Fund of Soldiers' Mothers: Do not give in to provocations against the UOC

Anna Vorobyova from Zaporozhye, the full knight of the Order of Princess Olga and the head of the Fund of Soldiers' Mothers, in an open letter called combatants not to give in to provocations and various momentary slogans, tearing the country and the Ukrainian people to "insiders" and "outsiders", reports the Information and Education Department of the UOC.

"My dear soldiers – especially those who have gone through the ATO or are still participating in it: do not fall victim of the false provocations against the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, because behind all this is the hatred of our country, the desire to tear it to pieces," Vorobyova asked in the open letter.

In her opinion, for politicians, soldiers are just a tool for achieving political goals. In this regard, the head of the Fund of Soldiers' Mothers emphasized: "I, the mother who lost her only son, whose grief will never leave the heart, pray on my knees for God to save you, teach you love and compassion and not to take in the things that tear us apart! "

We recall that on December 27, 2017, due to efforts of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, 73 Ukrainian soldiers were released from captivity and another prisoner swap is being planned. The Primate of the UOC called the exchange of prisoners the first step towards ending the war in Ukraine.

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