Radicals announce an antichurch march to Rada in Kiev

On January radical organizations such as S14 (Sich) and “Vilni Liudy” (Free People) are going to hold a march “Stop Revanche”, demanding that the President and Verkhovna Rada “sort out the issue of the Orthodox Church of Moscow Patriarchate, reports ”5 channel”.

"It is also an issue of the Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate: according to our publications, it conducts anti-Ukrainian activities and it is necessary to take some actions first. We also have the requirements of the humanitarian bloc: the adoption of the bill on languages, a number of bills ... it's time for the deputies to act," said Mikhail Makaruk, representative of the" international intelligence community InformNapalm" from the presidential television channel.

The presenter specified whether these events are not an action of "Poroshenko adherents" in order to spoil the initiative of "Saakashvili followers". To which Mikhail Makaruk said that the answer is that "many organizations with a clear list of requirements "will join the march," "enemies must be punished" and it is necessary to force" MPs to make adequate decisions ", and "it's time for the patriotic organizations to act".

From the announcement of the organization "Vіlnі Liudy", which takes part in the action, it follows that "the Verkhovna Rada should pass laws on humanitarian deoccupation", i.e. bill No. 4511.

It is known that the march will begin at 9:00 near the columns next to the Dynamo Stadium, and then the action will take place near the Verkhovna Rada (4th entrance door) and the Presidential Administration.

Earlier Spokesman of the UOC stated that the Orthodox believers are tasked not to get involved in a political game and defend their Church in a peaceful manner. Protopriest Nikolai Danilevich is convinced that by adopting bill #4511 MPs want to stir up an inter-religious war.

In November 2017 nationalist ultra-right organization S14 was introduced in the list of international terrorist organizations.

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