Metropolitan of Zaporozhye thanks for the beginning of investigation into the case of the eparchy

Metropolitan Luke of Zaporozhye (Kovalenko) commented on the situation with the initiation of a criminal case against the Zaporozhye eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. Representatives of the UOC are accused of actions aimed at inciting religious enmity and hatred. The official site of the eparchy comments on the situation.

"The Zaporozhye eparchy of the UOC expresses gratitude to law enforcers for initiating investigative actions regarding the situation of inciting religious enmity and hatred in our region," writes Metropolitan Luke. "We hope that the investigation will be just and fair, and, finally, the truth will come out to prove that the information disseminated by unscrupulous journalists is based only on assumptions and speculations. We all know Ecclesiastes’ maxim that "all things pass, and this, too, shall pass away" – we are confident that the noise will abate because of the groundlessness of accusations, and the attacks will go into a different format, but all this will only temper our faith, unite us all for the sake of preservation of the integrity of our Motherland."

Metropolitan of Zaporozhye expressed hope and promised to pray that the investigation was over quickly and the participants of the information attack, defaming the Church, would be brought to account.

"We urge the clergy and the flock to assist the law enforcement agencies, and also to read the Akathist daily to Saint Nicholas, so that by his entreaties the Lord may reason those abusing Mother Church, and I ask that we thank God for His enabling us to prove our faith in these holy days, and spiritual ills will be revealed and healed!" Metropolitan Luke wrote in his message.

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